Before sending a packet to the system Hping could be used to carry out a port scan. This helps the attacker to get the information on available open ports to carry out attack easily. The weakest port is selected to gain access to the system.
hping3 -S -p 80 -c 2
This command scans port number 80 of machine with IP There are even commands to scan the complete ports in a machine. This will give the attacker the complete status of the ports in a system.
hping –S -p 22 –rand-source –flood
This command floods the port number 22 of the mentioned machine. As the flooding starts, the machine becomes non responsive. When the flooding is stopped, the machine comes back to its normal state.
Figure 4: Command for flooding a machine
Figure 5: Result displayed by Snort after flooding.
We can see from the above image that a large number of packets have been dumped to the targeted machine within a small amount of time. The IDS software does not detect the packets while the flooding is in process. But as soon as the flooding is stopped, Snort displays only the number of packets received. The traffic created by flooding the packets cannot be handled by the system and becomes non-responsive. No Signatures are generated during the process.
DNS and ICMP Packet Crafting
Domain Name System is the system responsible for resolving domain names. DNS uses ports 53 UDP for normal operations and can enlist port 53 TCP for zone transfers and other oversized replies. Once the address is entered into the URL, the browser will try to resolve the IP. If the address is not known, then a DNS request will be sent to the DNS server configured on the client. We could craft such a packet using Hping so that the firewall does not block the packet.
hping -2 –p 53 -E data.dns -d 31
Here the packet is sent to the port number 53 of the target (, with the packet containing a file called “data.dns”. The packet size has also been specified as 31.
Figure 6: Sending a file to target’s DNS port
When sending a data file through Hping, the IDS used in the target’s machine does not detect the presence of the attached file. It only displays the total number of packets transmitted and received. Even tough it shows unreachable, the packets are received at the target location.
Hping can also be used to send ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets. ICMP packets are usually used to troubleshoot networks and for gathering basic information. These packets could be used to check whether a host is alive or not. In most of the firewalls, packets like ICMP and DNS request have the ability to pass by. These crafted ICMP packets helps us to pass through the firewall. At the senders end, we have to specify the type of packet, destination and other details for proper communication.
hping –d 100 –icmp –file /data.dns
Here the file “data.dns” is sent to the target using an ICMP packet.
Figure 7: File sent using ICMP packet
Using such crafted packets, a traffic firewall could be breached. From the above test, we can agree to the fact that packet crafting is a serious issue that should be taken care of.